Single mothers assistance in Nevada

Nevada Rx Drug Card

Prescription medications are expensive. If you need assistance with medicines, the state of Nevada has a prescription discount card that is free to all residents. Anyone may use the Rx card to save on prescription medications. The card is free and can be printed online. There are no forms to fill out, no questions, fees, conditions, restrictions and does not require confidential information. There are additional savings on purchasing eyeglasses, hearing aids, diabetic needs and other supplies. For additional information on single mother assistance, continue reading about the Rx card or call 702-510-0100.

Food Assistance for single mothers

Hunger is a reality in Nevada. Every day children and adults go without enough food. However, there are public and private organizations that focus on helping provide food to those in need. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federally funded service to help qualified low-income individuals and families with purchasing healthy and nutritious foods. State and county agencies administer SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps). Qualified Nevada residents receive benefits through the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. The EBT card resembles a debit card and works like one as well. If you need food immediately contact the SNAP Hotline at 800-992-0900 or 775-684-0615 (ext.40500). To discover if you qualify for SNAP or to fill out an application visit the website.

Special nutrition for Women, Infants and Children.

Learn about the School Breakfast Program.

Read more on the National School Lunch Program.

Information about the Afterschool Nutrition Program.

Assistance to Families

The Nevada Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program is designed to provide temporary assistance to needy families and single mothers so dependent children may be cared for in their homes or the homes of relative caretakers.

To receive single mother benefits, you must be a resident of Nevada, either pregnant or responsible for a child under 19 years old. TANF provides financial, medical and additional aid to support the family such as child care and other support services for families and single mothers that are unemployed, under-employed, or about to become unemployed. Here is the application for TANF. You may also contact the agency at 800-992-0900.

Legal Counseling for single parents

Do you need legal assistance but you cannot afford it? Fortunately, eligible Nevada single mothers can receive help through Nevada Legal Services (NLS).

Nevada Legal Services is a non-profit organization providing free legal assistance to low-income residents of Nevada. The NLS mission statement reads, “The mission of Nevada Legal Services is to strengthen the community by ensuring fairness and providing equal access to justice for low-income Nevadans.” NLS has numerous legal departments including seniors, Native Americans, family issues, public assistance, and other civil cases. This is a list of NLS services or you may call 702-386-0404 or 866-432-0404 in the Las Vegas office which serves Clark, Nye, Lincoln, and Esmeralda counties. The NLS also has an Indian Law Project that provides assistance to the Tribes and Tribal members of Nevada.

Nevada Legal Resources Directory

The Nevada Legal Resources Directory is a statewide organization assisting every county in the state. The directory is an excellent source of legal information. Even if you will be seeing an attorney it is helpful to understand the basic laws that effect your legal situation.

Telephone Bill Discount for single mothers

Not everyone in America can afford the latest in smartphone accessories. Some people cannot even pay for a basic landline telephone. To make sure no one is denied a phone due to the cost of service the government offers a discount on monthly service. Lifeline is the name of the federal program that will discount $9.25 per month from your monthly service bill. Another savings program called Link-Up will pay fifty percent of installation fees for new customers that have never had a telephone. The Lifeline discount is valid on either a landline or wireless phone.

Enhanced Lifeline offers a deeper monthly discount as well as installation assistance through the Link-Up program to qualifying customers who live on federally-recognized Tribal lands.

Applications must be returned to local phone carrier. For a list of phone companies that provide Lifeline discounts see this page.

Medical and Dental for single moms

The Hope medical and dental clinics are staffed by volunteer licensed health care professionals and patient advocates. Patients can expect to be served with excellence and unconditional love. Those patients who are not able to afford prescribed medications will be referred to a Prescription Assistance Program that helps low-income single mothers receive prescribed medications.

Patients seen at the “no-cost” clinics are required to “pay it forward” by doing random acts of kindness for three other individuals in the community. This “pay it forward” approach helps our patients restore a sense of responsibility and dignity to be a positive force in our community. Call 702-952-9564 for more information. The Hope clinic is located at 992 E. Sahara Ave Las Vegas.