Single mothers assistance in Nebraska

Food Assistance for single mothers

Even in Nebraska there are people who do not have enough to eat. However, there is help through federal, state, and local non-government organizations. Some people hesitate to ask for assistance. If you or your family need food, there is no reason to feel awkward or hesitant to apply. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the nation’s largest food safety net. SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps, provides help to low-income individuals and families through an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. The EBT card appears similar to a debit card and works like one as well. Most grocery stores and some health food stores accept SNAP benefits. SNAP is not intended to supply all food for a household. Recipients should look for community resources such as shared gardens and food pantries.This page has answers about the program and the application process. If you need food right away call the Nebraska State Hotline at 800-383-4278.

Telephone Discount for single moms

Having a telephone is a necessity, not a luxury. There may be people waiting in line for the next generation of the really smartphone however, some people cannot afford even a basic phone. Because having a telephone is crucial there are federal and state discounts available to eligible Nebraska residents.

Lifeline is a federal program that provides a $9.25 discount on monthly telephone bills for qualified customers. The discount is available for one phone line per household, for both wireless and landline telephones. The Nebraska Telephone Assistance Program or NTAP, when combined with the Lifeline discount will save qualified low-income residents $12.75 per month on phone service.

To apply for Lifeline you need to contact your telephone service provider for an application. For NTAP you can apply online or by calling the Nebraska Public Service Commission at 402-471-3101 (Lincoln) or for the rest of Nebraska contact 800-526-0017. Learn more about single mother assistance at NTAP.

Weatherization assistance for single moms

Are your utility bills going through the roof along with the heat? The Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program (LIWAP) can help eligible Nebraska single mothers make their homes more energy efficient. Weatherization can include installation of insulation in the attic, walls, and floor, caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows.

The weatherization begins with an energy audit to discover where the heat (or cool air in the summer) is leaking, wasting energy and creating utility bills too burdensome to pay. Also, all furnaces, cooking stoves and water heaters receive a safety inspection. Services do not include roof repair, siding or window replacement.

Weatherization enables low-income families and single mothers in Nebraska to lower their utility bill while saving energy. Weatherized homes also provide an increase in comfort with draft and air infiltration reduction. Qualified renters and homeowners are eligible.

To apply:

Blue Valley Community Action Partnership

Central Nebraska Community Services

Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership

Communiy Action Partnership of Lancaster and Sauders Counties

Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska

Northwest Community Action Partnership

Southeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership

Eviction and Foreclosure Assistance for single moms

If you have received an eviction notice or you are facing foreclosure you need professional assistance. There are agencies and organizations that assist low-income, qualified Nebraska single mothers with home counseling. It is imperative to find the help you can depend on during such a stressful time.

If you want the facts before going any further learn more.

Other Resources  

Tenant Defenses to Evictions.

Assistance with eviction. Contact by phone at 402-492-3144.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Housing Counseling.

Help with eviction after foreclosure.

Free Medical, Dental, and Mental Health Care

Clinic with a Heart                                             Lincoln

The Clinic With A Heart has a regular monthly schedule of appointments for uninsured or underinsured residents. The clinic provides free medical, dental, vision, hearing, physical therapy, chiropractic, mental health and spiritual care. Visit the clinic website for more information or call 402-421-2924.

Legal Assistance for single parents

Do you need legal help but you cannot afford an attorney? Fortunately, there are legal professionals who can help single mothers.

Legal Aid is the largest non-profit law firm in Nebraska. This resource is for low-income Nebraska residents in need of legal help. Read more about Legal Aid and apply for help. You can also call 402-348-1069 or 877-250-2016 for legal assistance.

Nebraskans for Family (Fathers Rights NE)   402-391-DADS (3237)

Here you will find the legal services offered by Fathers Rights.

Included in this list are organizations that provide free or low-cost legal services to victims of abuse and others who qualify. Find help in your area.