Single mothers assistance in Montana

When money is tight some bills have to wait. Unfortunately, that sometimes means having to do without food or heat. It may be difficult to ask for assistance. However, these organizations and agencies exist to help single mothers. There is no reason to feel awkward or hesitate to apply for aid.

Telephone Discount for single mothers

Not everyone has the latest super smartphone technology. Some people cannot afford even a basic telephone. A phone is not a luxury; it is a necessity. To ensure every household has access to a telephone there is a program called Lifeline that offers a monthly discount on phone service. Lifeline will provide a $9.25 discount on the monthly telephone service for eligible low-income customers. The phone may be a landline or wireless. However, only one phone per household is allowed. An additional program, Enhanced Lifeline offers a greater monthly discount on phone service and a fifty percent discount on new service installation for qualified customers living on Tribal land.

To apply for single mother benefits, contact your telephone service company. Visit this website to learn more about Lifeline.

Assistance with Food

Hunger is a reality for children and adults in Montana. America is the land of plenty. However, that is not true for everyone.

It does not have to be that way. There are private and public organizations dedicated to providing nutritious foods to those who would go without otherwise. There is no reason to hesitate – apply for assistance.

  • The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the nation’s largest food safety net. Eligible low-income individuals and families receive an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. The EBT card is similar in appearance to a debit card and spends the same as well. Call 800-332-2272 if you need food or find out how to apply.
  • Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

This agency provides benefits to purchase supplemental foods for low-income, pregnant, lactating and postpartum women, infants and children up to the age of five. To apply and for additional information go to the Montana WIC website. Contact WIC by phone at 800-433-4298 or 406-444-5533 to get single mother assistance.

  • BackPack Program

The mission of the program is to meet the needs of hungry children by providing them with nutritious and easy-to-prepare food to take home on weekends and school vacations when other services are not available. Discover the resources of the Montana Food Bank Network online and by phone 406-721-3825.

  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

Low-income American Indian and non-Indian households that reside on a reservation, and households living in approved areas near a reservation that contain at least one person who is a member of a Federally-recognized tribe, are eligible to participate in FDPIR. Each month, participating households receive a food package to help them maintain a nutritious diet. Participants may select from over 70 products. Discover more from the FDPIR fact sheet.

Housing for single mothers – Eviction and Foreclosure

Has your landlord been threatening eviction? Is your family facing foreclosure? Then you need professional help. It is crucial you understand your rights and responsibilities.

The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Approved Housing Counseling Agencies offers a list of counselors across the state. Discuss your situation by phone or find housing assistance on this page.

HUD also provides assistance with information on preventing foreclosure.

Weatherization and Low Income Energy Assistance Program for single mothers

Is your home cold and miserable in the winter and stifling hot in the summer? Are you paying enormous power bills only to still be uncomfortable? Weatherization can resolve all of these problems. Eligible low-income residents receive an energy audit to determine what the home requires to be safe and energy efficient. Typical solutions include caulk and weatherstripping around windows and doors, air infiltration reduction, insulation, and in some cases repair or replacement of an unsafe heat source. Weatherization will reduce energy loss, decrease power bills and help make your home more comfortable.

The Low Income Energy Assistance Program was created to assist eligible single moms in paying high utility costs. The elderly, people with disabilities, and children are priority considerations. Heat source may be gas, electric, oil or wood.

Find out the facts about weatherization and LIEAP. For more information from your local office call 800-332-2272

Other Resources:Northwestern EnergyEnergy Share MontanaFergus Electric Cooperative


No one plans to be homeless. However, for many reasons adults and children may require shelter. There are private organizations that strive to provide basic needs as well as programs to assist those living in poverty.

-The Poverello Center           1110 W. Broadway St.   Missoula     406-728-1809

The center provides short-term emergency shelter, daily hot meals, showers, limited medical care and more. Visit the website to learn about the many services and programs.

-Rescue Mission Women and Family Shelter   2520 1st Avenue North   Great Falls     406-259-3105

For women and young children. Three nutritious meals a day are served and laundry facilities are   available for shelter residents. A variety of programs are available including classes to improve self esteem and self sufficiency. Find out about the shelter.

-Here you will find shelters that provide veteran services.