Single mothers assistance in Michigan

Citizens Oil Heat Program helps families and single mothers who are in a crisis and have to choose between life essentials and heating oil. Instead of having to make unsafe trade offs due to financial hardship, you can contact this organization and get assistance with heating oil so that your family can stay warm during winter season.

This program is primarily aimed at helping working poor who do not qualify for federal heating bill assistance program [ LIHEAP ]. Working poor who could not meet income guidelines for getting LIHEAP assistance can apply for Citizens Oil Heat Program. Qualifying households could receive a one time assistance per heating season. If you are in need of heating oil, call 1-877-JOE-4-OIL for application information. Visit organization website for more information on this program and single mother benefits.

Salvation Army’s HeatShare program in Michigan : Heatshare program is run by Salvation Army, and offers emergency utility assistance to low income Michigan households. In addition to HeatShare program, if you are a customer of utility provider Michigan Gas Utilities ( MGU ), you can gain utility assistance through ” Share the Warmth ” fund — which is a partnership between Salvation Army and MGU. PeopleCare is another program run by Salvation Army in partnership with Consumers Energy to help low income single mothers and families in Michigan.

To know more information on aforementioned programs’ eligibility requirements and application, visit organization webpage

State Emergency Relief (SER) Program is a public assistance program run by the Department of Health and Human services to help with emergency bills assistance — includes, but not limited to, energy bills, relocation costs, and home repairs.  Call 855-275-6424 for information on public assistance programs in Michigan. In addition to low income families, single mothers and individuals who are in a temporary financial crisis can also receive financial assistance through SER program.

Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is primarily aimed at ending homelessness. While primary focus is on ending homelessness by offering permanent housing and transitional housing, homelessness prevention assistance might also be offered in some cases. In order to gain financial assistance through CoC program, contact a CoC agency near you in Michigan for application. You can view CoC agencies in this page — organizations link — organizations are listed by cities and counties. If you are in need of security deposit to move to permanent housing, CoC agencies could help with the same. If you are currently a tenant who are at risk of losing your home, assistance might be offered with paying back rent — note that not all agencies will help with eviction prevention.

Family Independence Program (FIP) is a program run by the Department of Health and Human services to offer financial assistance for single mothers and families with children. If you are a family in need of rent, utility or other emergency assistance, please contact DHS agency near you in Michigan. Call 855-275-6424 for more information on FIP program. Visit agency website for details on eligibility requirements and application information. In addition to offering emergency aid, if you are in need of gainful employment, sign up for skill development programs offered through FIP.