Single mothers assistance in North Dakota

Everyone experiences a time when he or she could use a helping hand. There are programs and services to help people and single mothers in North Dakota with vital assistance. The services are a mix of public and private, local and national. If you need help with food or shelter or you just want to save money continue reading.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for single moms

In trying economic times, some people must decide between buying food and paying the utility bill. It does not need to be that way. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps eligible single moms, low-income individuals and families with home heating costs. The program partially pays the cost of natural gas, electricity, propane, fuel oil, coal, wood, or other fuel sources. The service also covers:

  • Weatherization services (insulation, weather stripping around doors and windows, etc.)
  • Furnace cleaning, repair, and replacement
  • Chimney cleaning and inspection
  • Emergency assistance for single mothers

Both homeowner and renter households are eligible for the program. Individual Tribal LIHEAP programs serve Tribal members living on Reservations in the state.

Locate the Social Services office in your county. Fill out a LIHEAP application. For more information call 701-328-2332, 800-755-2716 or ND Relay TTY 800-366-6888.

Low Income Telephone Assistance Program (LITAP) for single moms

There are two primary sources of telephone assistance for single mothers and  low-income households in North Dakota, Lifeline and Link-Up. Lifeline provides eligible low-income households with a monthly credit toward the price of basic local telephone service. Those receiving benefits must recertify periodically. Link-Up offers qualified customers a discount on the price of installing new telephone service.

Lifeline for Tribal Lands provides discounts on monthly charges to qualified customers living within the boundaries of an Indian Reservation.Telephone subscribers living on an Indian Reservation may also qualify for a discount on their telephone hook-up fee with the Tribal Link-Up Program.

To fill out an application for help with your telephone bill apply here. Or you can call 800-366-8201.

Homeless Shelters

No one plans on being homeless but if you find you need a place to stay check out these shelters.

Abused Adult Resource Center   Pam’s House     Bismarck     701-222-8370 Women’s and children’s shelter. Victims of domestic violence.

Ruth Meiers Hospitality House   701-222-2108  1800 E. Broadway Avenue Bismarck, ND 58503    Emergency shelter for women with children. Can stay up to 60 days.

New Life Center      701-235-4453 1902 3rd Avenue Fargo, ND 58107

South East Human Service Center 2624 9th Ave. SW  Fargo, ND 58103                           701-298-4500

Food Assistance for single moms

When times are tough, and you have to make hard decisions about what you can pay for often food is last on the list. Fortunately, there are food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens and community kitchens to help ensure no one has to go hungry.

For a thorough listing of food pantries across the state look here. You can also search food programs by city. Another source for locating a food pantry near you. If you or your family need food, find help now.

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

The Department of Energy’s Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) works to increase the energy efficiency of homes owned or occupied by low-income persons, reducing the total residential energy expenditures, and improving health and safety.

The Weatherization Assistance Program was established to help low-income families and individuals decrease home energy costs while increasing safety in the home. The North Dakota Weatherization   Assistance Program is administered by the North Dakota Department of Commerce.

Find required forms and an online application. For more information call 701-232-2452 or 800-726-7960.

Nodak Electric Cooperative

The Nodak Electric Cooperative offers a program called Operation Round Up that assists people and single mothers with their utility bill. But the program goes much further. Funds are also used to help local individuals and nonprofit organizations with essential services. There are programs for providing emergency assistance, food, shelter, rent, healthcare, clothing, education and other vital needs. Operation Roundup is funded by members’ monthly bills being rounded up to the next whole dollar amount. Call 701-746-4461 or 800-732-4373 for more information or visit this page to apply online for Operaion Round Up.

Prescription Assistance

Prescription Connection is a North Dakota Insurance Department program that helps adults and children with free and discounted medications. The Prescription Connection’s mission is to assist citizens of all ages in acquiring prescriptions that might otherwise be unattainable. Discount prescription cards may be available that cover medications you take.

To be eligible for assistance you must-

– be a resident of North Dakota

– not qualify for any state assistance programs for prescription drugs.

– not be able to afford prescriptions because of low-income or financial hardships .

Each prescription company has specific criteria for assistance. Call 888-575-6611 for more information or to make an appointment. Learn more about filling out an online application.