Assistance in Arizona for single mothers
Everyone experiences tough financial times at some point in their life. It isn’t something that should embarrass you. There are numerous agencies that are formed just to help single mothers pay their bills. Agencies may be state, county, public or private, but they share the intention of helping those with low-incomes. Services include assistance with housing, food, medical care, legal matters, utilities and more. Read on to find out what help is available for single moms.
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance is the first food bank, founded in 1967 by John van Hagel. Hagel was serving food to the needy when the idea of a food bank was born. Individuals and companies with extra food and money could “deposit” it, and those in need could “withdraw” the food.
St Mary’s has three locations in the Valley and one in Flagstaff. The Alliance offers a variety of aid including emergency food boxes, quality goods sold at low prices, and distribution of surplus food. Go to the website to find out about the food bank. Call 602-352-3640 for single mother assistance. Look here for a listing of services.
Gas Vouchers for single mothers
In certain situations, the Salvation Army may be able to provide no cost gas vouchers to eligible individuals in emergency situations. Additional types pf transportation may be utilized as well, such as bus tickets or car repairs.
The Salvation Army is a national non-profit organization that provides help to individuals and families regardless of background, religion, race, or culture. Those with low income, seniors, families with children and the most disadvantaged will be given first consideration.
The gasoline vouchers are for urgent or emergency situations. Vouchers are not intended for day to day use. There are also certain circumstances when the Salvation Army may be able to provide help with traveling longer distances. To be eligible conditions usually involve the death of an immediate family member or to reunite a child with their parents.
Go to for more information and to locate a Salvation Army office near you.
Eviction or Mortgage Foreclosure Assistance for single moms
There are times when life presents so many obstacles it’s difficult to keep up. Maybe you had to spend money on your vehicle so you can drive to work or perhaps you missed several days to take care of a sick child. Whatever the reason now you find yourself at risk of eviction or foreclosure. Don’t panic, there is help. If you live in the state of Arizona and need assistance, please call the Landlord/Tenant message line at 602-262-7210 and a counselor will return your call as soon as possible. For foreclosure information call 877-448-1211. You can also learn more by going to the website.
Community Food Bank
The Community Food Bank distributes food boxes, donates food to soup kitchens in the Tucson area, and distributes food in a monthly program for low-income mothers, children and the elderly. The program serves Pima, Cochise, Graham, Greenlee and Santa Cruz counties. Contact the food bank at 520-622-0525 or Toll-Free 800-950-8681. Read more about the foodbank.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international non-profit organization dedicated to serving the poor and providing others with the opportunity to serve. Founded on April 26, 1946, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has a long history of helping the poor in Phoenix.
The Society provides an array of services for individuals and families in need of emergency assistance. Programs are divided into four categories: feed, clothe, house, heal. There are services such as home visits for the elderly, aid to stranded travelers, health care clinics and help for the working poor. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has assistance for many different problems and difficulties. If you are in need of help give them a call at 606-266-HOPE (4673) or see the website.
Temporary Cash Assistance To Needy Families (TANF) for single moms
TANF Arizona is a support program for needy Arizona families. The purpose of the agency is to provide financial and medical help to qualified dependent children and the parents or relatives with whom they are living. TANF households receive monthly cash and Medicaid benefits. TANF is funded by the state to provide cash assistance to families.
Do you qualify for TANF?
- must be a resident of Arizona
- be pregnant or responsible for a child under 19 years of age
- a US national citizen, legal alien, or permanent resident,
- have low or very low income
- be either under-employed, unemployed or about to become unemployed.
Find out more about the TANF Arizona application process.
Women, Infants, Children (WIC)
The Arizona Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education, supplemental nutritious foods, services for breastfeeding, and referrals to health and social services. WIC serves pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women; infants; and children under five years old who are determined to be at nutritional risk. All of the WIC programs are supported financially by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). To learn more about WIC call 800-252-5942 or see this page. To find a WIC office location.