Help With Paying Off Student Loans

One of the biggest problems that students face after they graduate is repaying their student loans. Luckily, there are quite a few single mother programs and associations out there that can assist. Below we will highlight some of the most useful single moms programs and options.

Federal Loan Forgiveness Programs for single mothers

Also known as the Obama Student Loan Forgiveness Program, the Federal Direct Loan Program offers assistance with federal student loans. The program allows borrowers to consolidate their loans (only federal student loans) into new loans and then opt for a new, affordable repayment plan. The FLFP provides a few options, including:

  • Normal Repayment Plan
  • Repayment Plan Contingent With Income
  • Repayment Plan for Graduates
  • Repayment Plan which is Income Based
  • Repayment Plan Based on PAYE concept

For detailed information on the program and eligibility requirements, visit the website or call single mother Student Aid on 1-800-433-3243.

Deferment or Forbearance

Deferment or forbearance of a student loan may be approved under certain circumstances, in which case you may be eligible to either have your loan amount reduced or temporarily postponed, which can help avoid loan defaults. In order to apply for deferment or single mother forbearance, you’ll need to get in touch with your loan service provider and inquire about eligibility. You can also see the Student Aid website for more information, or call the office on 1-800-433-3243 for advice.

Debt Consolidation for single moms

Debt consolidation may allow you to combine different federal student loans into one affordable loan. This service is offered free of charge by the U.S. Department of Education’s Consolidation Services. Only federal loans can be consolidated, which means that private loans are not eligible for this option. Individuals that have graduated, left school, or have dropped below half-time enrollment are generally eligible for debt consolidation. To apply for a direct loan consolidation, you’ll need to contact For general queries about a direct loan consolidation, please call the Loan Consolidation Info Center at 1-800-557-7392.
Due Date Adjustment

Under certain circumstances, students may be able to apply for due date adjustments on their student loans. The following loan service providers are able to assist single mothers with this:

CornerStone   –  Contact them on 1-800-663-1662

FedLoan Servicing – Contact them on 1-800-699-2908

Granite State  – Contact them on 1-888-556-0022

Great Lakes ELS – Contact them on 1-800-236-4300

HESC   –  Contact them on 1-855-337-6884

MOHELA  – Contact them on 1-888-866-4352

Navient  – Contact them on 1-800-722-1300

Nelnet   – Contact them on 1-888-486-4722

OSLA Servicing – Contact them on 1-866-264-9762

VSAC Federal Loans – Contact them on 1-888-932-5626

Service Loan Forgiveness

Government and Non-Profit Organization employees may be eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program after they have paid 120 monthly installments while being employed on a full-time basis at an employer that participates in the PSLF program. Only federal student loans can qualify for the PSLF program. Individuals working towards eligibility for the program may complete and periodically submit the Employment Certification PSLF form. For general queries and detailed information, check out PSLF Facts as well as the Q&A Section.

There are options for paying off your student loan and although it may seem like an unachievable feat, with a little help it can become much more realistic.